Mindfulness for Families
It is time for some self-care. Listen to these specially created Mindfulness tracks for parents while in hospital and when you transition home.

Welcome to Life’s Little Treasures Foundation Mindfulness and Meditation Tracks.
This series of mindfulness tracks have been created for parents with a baby in the Neonatal unit.
It’s natural to feel overwhelmed with high levels of stress and anxiety when you have a baby in the NICU or SCN, but through mindfulness techniques, we hope to alleviate some of these stresses, even for just a few moments. Let your body relax, invite your mind to relax and refocus to remind you to look after you, to take a deep breath, focus on the now and be kind to yourself. Hopefully these practices support you to gain some calm, clarity and care so you can continue to support your baby and family.
We encourage you to use these practices if and when they are useful for you. If a track if helpful please use it as much as needed. If there are some practices that don’t resonate with you please don’t use them. There are many other ways to care for yourself and your family such as going for a walk, eating a healthy meal, talking with a friend, having a nap or break or taking a bath if you are at home. Please do what works for you. We do hope that these practices and resources can support you and your family in some way. If you do enjoy these practices and find them beneficial, use them as needed and please refer to resources below to learn more about mindfulness and meditation.
Find out more about Mindfulness here
Introduction to Mindfulness in the NICU/SCN
This series of mindfulness tracks have been created for parents with a baby in the Neonatal unit. It’s natural to feel overwhelmed with high levels of stress and anxiety when you have a baby in the NICU or SCN, but through mindfulness techniques, we hope to alleviate some of these stresses, even for just a few moments. Let your body relax, regroup, and refocus as this track is to remind you to look after you, to take a deep breath, focus on the now, focus on you to regain some calm and to also lighten your load so you can continue to support your baby and family.
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Compassion Meditation to yourself
This track is about practicing compassion to yourself. You might be feeling a mix of emotions, guilt, fear or worry. By being present in this moment you allow yourself space to let go and allow those feelings to present without judgement. Knowing that you are doing the best you can for yourself and your baby.

Mindfulness for cuddles
Whether you have your baby skin to skin doing kangaroo care, or your baby is in an isolette and you can only touch your baby through the windows, this mindfulness track is for parents in the Neonatal unit whilst they are having cuddles or touching their baby. Feel your babies’ breaths; the rise and fall of their chest or back, smell their skin , their notice all the little details of your baby that you don’t otherwise get to focus on. There are no doubt machines beeping and various other sounds throughout the nursery, but try to bring your focused to your baby as you start the following mindfulness technique whilst cuddling/touching your baby.
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Mindfulness while feeding your baby
Ask your health professional if you are eligible for them to apply for a $250 voucher to cover costs associated with a long hospital stay, like parking, petrol and groceries.
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Mindfulness whilst cot side
We can also help provide a Breast Pump for the neediest families, thanks to our wonderful partner Medela
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Rest and sleep practice
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Contact UsServices Spotlight
Family Assistance Program
Having a baby in hospital long term, or being located far away from home, can mean that parents are not only dealing with the stress of caring for their baby, but are also having to manage the financial pressures associated with this. Through our Financial Assistance Program we can assist with travel costs, accommodation and food expenses so parents get to spend more precious time with their baby.
Hospital staff can apply for a Financial Assistance package on behalf of families so they can receive a $250 voucher to spend on fuel, groceries or accommodation. Please note families must meet the criteria to access this service.
Find out more
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