Information for your journey
We know expecting, or delivering, a premature or sick baby is really overwhelming and challenging, so we collated information to help at each stage of the journey

The topics, family stories and readings put together by our team with the lived experience will help you process and understand what is happening at each stage.
We’ve also included advice for Grandparents, family and friends so you can share these resources with your support network who want to help.
Please note: In this section we also touch on bereavement and infant loss.

I’m Pregnant
In this section you’ll find advice and ideas from our families, volunteers and staff who have had a high risk pregnancy.
Now your baby has arrived you’ll need to know about our services and other ways to endure your potentially long journey in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) or Special Care Nursery (SCN). Find out about information available, Bonding with your baby and our NICU Connections Groups here.
I’m Going Home with my Baby
The time has come to take your Little treasure home! But transitioning home can be a really big adjustment for you and your family. In this section we talk about rooming in, breast feeding, visitors as well as our services available to support you when you eventually leave hospital.
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I’m a Friend or Relative
Family members and friends will be determined to help you through your hospital stay and when you eventually head home. Here we provide resources to help Grandparents, siblings, relatives and friends.
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Please note this section discusses infant loss. Unfortunately, not every baby survives being born premature or sick. We’re here to care for you and guide you at this time.
This section has been put together with advice from three families who have been there.
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Family Stories
Here are a collection of stories from our community members to help inspire you and give you hope on your journey.
Find out moreThe majority of the team at LLTF have the lived experience of having a prem or sick baby so we know what you’re going through. Having spent time in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) or a Special Care Nursery (SCN) and dealing with families EVERYDAY gives us the point of difference to be able to help parents currently on this journey
Felicia Welstead, CEO
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Tarni’s Story
Tarni’s twin girls Charlie and Violet arrived unexpectedly and suddenly at 31 weeks. “I was watching Kyrios play tennis and my waters broke. That was it off to hospital I went and the girls were born only hours later”, says Tarni. For the first time mum it was a scary experience and one she was totally unprepared for.
“I think I was in shock the first few days, then we got into a routine visiting hospital each day but it was really hard and emotional leaving them at the end of each day. Unfortunately no-one told me about LLTF when the girls were in hospital”, says Tarni.
Tarni wants to make sure no other parents miss out on knowing about LLTF so she joined the team!
Read more stories here