In the Media

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After being told she had a short cervix, Jen was terrified. I had a difficult start to my pregnancy with four weeks of constant bleeding and as a result a perpetual fear of having another miscarriage. My 12-week scan was normal and I was hoping I could finally relax and enjoy the rest of my […]

Jade and Conor’s Story
Meet one of LLTF’s staff members who has shared her story about baby Orla’s early arrival Meet Jade, our dedicated Marketing and Communications Coordinator, who plays a pivotal role in keeping our communities across Australia socially connected. Jade’s personal journey into motherhood was marked by challenges and triumphs, making her an inspiring member of our […]

Shantelle and Matt’s Story
WE REALISED HE WAS SO SICK AND WOULD BE HERE BEYOND HIS DUE DATE When Shantelle’s waters broke at 23+5 weeks, she had no idea what was happening or the journey that lay ahead. I was having dinner with my husband, Matt, telling him how much I loved being pregnant and that I was so […]

Alexandra and Joshua’s Story
Charlee was born prematurely at 23 weeks gestation on 1 June 2022. She weighed only 560 grams and had to be transferred to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at Adelaide’s Women’s and Children’s Hospital. Charlee’s early arrival was a huge shock to us all. We had a scan at 21 weeks and everything looked […]

Rocky’s Battle
Mum Ash tells us Rocky’s story Our Rocky, was born at just 32 weeks (8 weeks early) and weighed only 1550 grams. We spent 6 weeks between two NICU hospitals, transported by the amazing Piper ambulance team, and finally came home on Christmas Eve 2020—what a wonderful Christmas present! I was in the hospital from […]

Courtney and Rhys’ Story
Courtney and Rhys’ son Maverick was born at just 23 weeks but he was a fighter! Please note: this story deals with infant loss After only losing our daughter Savannah-Jane in December at 18 weeks gestation, Rhys and I had decided to do another round of IVF. Our doctor gave us the go ahead to […]