Supporting children with a new sibling in the neonatal unit.
The neonatal unit can be a challenging environment for the whole family, especially for the siblings of the newborn. They may experience changes in their daily routines, their parents’ attention and emotions, and their living arrangements.
They may also feel confused or scared by the neonatal unit itself – the equipment, the noises and smells, and the appearance of their new brother or sister.
To help siblings we are thrilled to partner with NIDCAP Australasia to provide My Colourful Journey.
We have also produced a colouring book to help siblings understand the emotions they might be feeling after the loss of a baby brother or sister. This book is called My Brave Journey.
My Colourful Journey
This book has been produced to gently educate siblings about what they might see, hear and feel in the neonatal unit
By creating this book we hope to normalise children’s reactions and reduce the emotional impact of having a sibling in hospital.
Having a creative medium for siblings and parents to explore together helps to reinforce the important role they play as brother or sister.
These books are available in hospitals across Australia so ask your Health Professional for one today.
These books are available in hospitals across Australia so ask your Health Professional for one today.
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My Brave Journey
A colouring book to help siblings understand the emotions they might be feeling after the loss of a baby brother or sister.
Explaining the death of a sibling to children can be daunting for parents who are also dealing with their own grief at the loss of their child. It is common for parents to feel unsure about what to say and how much to tell children and to want to protect them, especially when children are very young and may struggle to understand the concept of death.
To support families during this very difficult time Life’s Little Treasures Foundation in partnership NIDCAP Australasia have developed MY Brave Journey, an interactive, guided children’s colouring-in book
This gorgeous book uses Australian native animals to talk children through their emotions and experiences associated with the loss of a baby. Inside parents and children work through each page at a pace and stage appropriate to their family. My BRAVE journey covers:
• What they might see in a hospital
• Normalising feelings and how to express them
• Who to talk to when your feelings feel too big
• How to say goodbye and remembering your sibling
• How to tell your friends
• A parent section on how to use the book and where to get further support
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